”Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know…"
In today's verse, we see that signs and wonders are how God attested to Jesus during His ministry on earth. God confirmed that Jesus was in fact sent from Him by the 'good works', the miracles He performed. So as you go out into your world today, ask God to teach you how to pray and to proclaim as you ought to see His powerful hand move. Signs and wonders can be so many things. God providing finances, healing, or delivering from demonic oppression are miracles. The Bible includes the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the dead being raised and the poor having the gospel preached; these are God's fingerprints on our lives and ministries. These confirm that it is in fact God who has called us and that it is God drawing others to know and follow Him. Today, ponder the many miracles Jesus performed among the people and ask God to believe for those works and even more attesting to His love and power.
Disciple's Prayer for Today:
"Father, as I spend time with You, make me more like You. Let me behold you to become like you today. Take me one step closer to You and to the work You have for me to accomplish in my life. Attest that You have sent me as I preach by confirming signs and wonders. Freely I have received Your grace and love, let me freely give. Multiply disciples through me today.”
From Disciple Key's Devotional "Sense of Awe"
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.
Pray for an Acts 19 movement to reach every unreached people and place in Isfahan, Iran and the surrounding regions.
ReadDisciplemaking Principle: LIFT UP EVERYWHERE HE IS ABOUT TO COME
ReadAll That We Are Is You. We Are Completely Reliant on You.
ReadPray for an Acts 19 movement to reach every unreached people and place in Tabriz, Iran and the surrounding regions.
ReadPray for an Acts 19 movement to reach every unreached people and place in Mashhad, Iran and the surrounding regions.
Read"Joshua the son of Nun secretly sent two men out of Shittim as spies, saying, “Go, view the land, including Jericho." Joshua 2:1
ReadWe wait on you, Lord, to send your Holy Spirit to empower us to fully obey your great mission.
ReadPray for an Acts 19 movement to reach every unreached people and place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and the surrounding regions.
ReadPSALMS 46:10; 24:1; 82:8
ReadPray for an Acts 19 movement to reach every unreached people and place in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam and the surrounding regions.