"Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves."
The Kazakhs of Turkey once inhabited the Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region also called East Turkestan. It is now part of northwestern China. The oppressive regime made the Kazakhs rebel and leave their homeland. The first migration took place in the 1930s and the second came because of the 1949 Communist Revolution. These Kazakhs went to many countries, but Turkey was among their best choices. Over the decades, most Kazakh families left rural areas in Turkey and moved to bigger cities, most of them choosing Istanbul. Of the more than 40,000 Kazakhs living in Turkey there are only a handful of believers.
Heavenly Father, thank you for each of these dear brothers and sisters. We rejoice that you have drawn them to yourself! But Lord, we long for more. We don't want just a handful, we want thousands of Kazakhs in Turkey to know you and the name of your son. Raise up more than enough disciple makers from among Kazakh believers as well as from similar cultures. Though these laborers go out as lambs among wolves fill them with your peace. Let them know that you are with them. We ask that through these faithful servants every Kazakh in Turkey will encounter Jesus in a real way that will change their lives forever. We ask that you will also raise up musicians to create worship in this language that speaks to the hearts of the Kazakhs. Put new songs in the mouths of the Kazakhs, songs of those who find their home in you.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.
Disciplemaking Principle: Understand the Urgency of the Task Jesus tells his disciples that we will not know the hour in which he will return, but that we should always be ready. Disciple Making Movements focus on the urgency of the task at hand - all peoples, nations, tribes and languages hearing the good news of Christ.
ReadPsalm 66:4-7 "Everything on earth will worship you; they will sing your praises, shouting your name in glorious songs. Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! He made a dry path through the Red Sea, and his people went across on foot. There we rejoiced in him. For by his great power he rules forever. He watches every movement of the nations; let no rebel rise in defiance."