Let's broaden our global perspective and pray for the city of Damascus and Homs, Syria.
Damascus, the capital of Syria, and Homs, a main center of the Syrian uprising and catalyst for the civil war, are two of the most populous cities in the country. The capital was crowned for its beauty and has been called the “pearl of the East”, however, both cities have suffered much loss and deterioration since the war began in 2011.
With Bashar al-Assad still in power, the only true hope for the healing and transformation of Syria is the Good News of Jesus. Thankfully, many Syrians report that the Messiah revealed himself to them in dreams and visions while fleeing the country.
With the country under Assad’s oppressive control the conflict has diminished, and with increased stabilization an opportunity is presenting itself for Jesus following Syrians to return to their homes and share with their countrymen an unfading, imperishable Pearl of great price.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.
Disciplemaking Principle: Understand the Urgency of the Task Jesus tells his disciples that we will not know the hour in which he will return, but that we should always be ready. Disciple Making Movements focus on the urgency of the task at hand - all peoples, nations, tribes and languages hearing the good news of Christ.
ReadPsalm 66:4-7 "Everything on earth will worship you; they will sing your praises, shouting your name in glorious songs. Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! He made a dry path through the Red Sea, and his people went across on foot. There we rejoiced in him. For by his great power he rules forever. He watches every movement of the nations; let no rebel rise in defiance."