"Let the wise listen to those proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding recieve guidance by exploring the meaning in these proverbs and parables, the words of the wise and their riddles."
The Hemshin people of Turkey live in the northeast region of the country near the shores of the Black Sea. The present community of Hemshin is Muslim and are Turkish speaking. Some of the older members of the Hemshin community still speak the ancient Anatolian (western) Armenian dialect. The Hemshin are well-known for the clever jokes, riddles and stories they tell.
Lord, we pray that the parables of Jesus would fall on ears that can hear the good news of Jesus' message. Let the story telling Hemshin spread the stories of Jesus throughout their communities, that many would hear. We pray for you Lord to provide jobs for the future Hemshin believers that will be conducive to spreading the gospel. We ask that the Hemshin people will increasingly be drawn to Jesus. Send dreams and visions to Hemshin leaders and elders, that they may lead their people to you. We pray that every Hemshin will have the opportunity to hear the gospel. Lord raise up a multiplying Hemshin church this decade. Give them spiritual hunger, let them taste and see that you are good.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.
Disciplemaking Principle: Understand the Urgency of the Task Jesus tells his disciples that we will not know the hour in which he will return, but that we should always be ready. Disciple Making Movements focus on the urgency of the task at hand - all peoples, nations, tribes and languages hearing the good news of Christ.
ReadPsalm 66:4-7 "Everything on earth will worship you; they will sing your praises, shouting your name in glorious songs. Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! He made a dry path through the Red Sea, and his people went across on foot. There we rejoiced in him. For by his great power he rules forever. He watches every movement of the nations; let no rebel rise in defiance."