March 6, 2025
Pakistani cultures are classified as honor/shame cultures whereas most Western cultures are considered to be guilt/innocence cultures. This means that importance of how someone is perceived is often more important that what is truth. The Jewish culture that Jesus came into was actually an Eastern one. As such, a King in a manger, on a donkey, washing feet, all are pictures both counter cultural and perceived as weak. Some might even say humiliating.
Jesus' life and teaching are a shock to this kind of a society where one honors the great and lifts high those with money, status, or power. Jesus deserves all honor but lowers himself willingly. He does so to lift us up. His actions aren't of shame but rather of lowering Himself to our level. He is most honorable yet humble enough to call us friend. Pray for Muslims in Karachi to wrestle with this contrast of someone so great being willing to be so low that they would grasp the audacity of God to reveal Himself through Jesus.