Each Friday, we are praying for one of the other 110 most unreached cities in the world. Pray for an Acts 19 movement to reach every unreached people and place in Hyderabad, India and the surrounding regions.
Hyderabad is the largest and most populous city in Telangana state. With 43-50% of the city's inhabitants being Muslim, Hyderabad is an important city for Islam and is home to many prominent mosques. Hyderabad emerged as the foremost centre of culture in India with the decline of the Mughal Empire. Hyderabad is known as the City of Pearls, as it had once flourished as a global center for trade of rare diamonds, emeralds as well as natural pearls. The church in India is growing rapidly. Ask the Lord of the harvest to speak to Muslims here about the pearl of great price. May they be willing to sell all they have to gain what Jesus is offering them.
Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the many languages of this city.
Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in Hyderabad that multiplies throughout the country.
Pray for followers of Jesus to walk in the power of the Spirit.
Pray for a resurrection of God's divine purpose for this city.
Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.