
Strategic prayer for a Disciple Making Movement

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All Families Shall be Blessed

Acts 3:22-26: 'Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from among your own people. Listen carefully to everything he tells you.’ Then Moses said, ‘Anyone who will not listen to that Prophet will be completely cut off from God’s people.’ “Starting with Samuel, every prophet spoke about what is happening today. You are the children of those prophets, and you are included in the covenant God promised to your ancestors. For God said to Abraham, ‘Through your descendants all the families on earth will be blessed.’ When God raised up his servant, Jesus, he sent him first to you people of Israel, to bless you by turning each of you back from your sinful ways.”'

Lord God, as promised you raised up for us a prophet like Moses saying that every soul who doesn't listen shall be destroyed from the people. We pray that the people of Bangkok will be sons and daughters of the prophets and of the promise you have given to us in Jesus, part of your everlasting promise that all families on earth shall be blessed. We pray this in Jesus' name.

prayer point image

Praying as a group?

Leading others in prayer is a great step in making disciples. We want to celebrate your and their faithfulness. For each person that prays with you, we will add 15 minutes to the 18.7 days of prayer committed so far.

How many prayed today (including yourself)?

Prayer Timer

(Prayer time: 15 min)

All Days

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.

Extraordinary Prayer- Day 3

February 5, 2025

Luke 6:12 "One day soon afterward, Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night."
